Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Trend Shifting Against Abortion

Results of a Gallup poll conducted May 5-8 confirmed a growing shift away from national approval of abortion:
  • 61% of American adults said that abortion should be illegal in all or most circumstances. This 61% majority opposed most abortions, even though 49% of those called said they were "pro-choice."
  • A total of 71% said that abortion should be illegal at least in some cases.
  • 22% said it should be illegal in all circumstances. A majority of 51% said they consider abortion morally wrong.
  • Younger Americans tended to be tougher against abortion than older generations. 53% in the 18-34 age bracket said they believed abortion was morally wrong--as opposed to the 51% of Americans in the 55 and older bracket who said they believed abortion was morally wrong and the 48% in the 35-54 bracket who said it was morally wrong.
  • Women and younger Americans were more likely than others to reject exceptions for legalized abortion. 24% of women, and 24% of Americans 18-34 said they believed abortion should be illegal in all circumstances.
Perhaps one reason that abortion is becoming less popular than previously is because so many women have had them and seen the devastation it caused in their lives. Note that the overturning of Roe v. Wade would not result in making abortion illegal but would send the issue back to each state.

In the meantime, let us hope that this growing shift against abortion also leads to a shift toward adoption as an option, so that there are more opportunities in the United States for those couples unable to have children.

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