Saturday, July 7, 2012

Spiders on a Sunny Morning

I was just getting my tea in the early morning and looked out my kitchen window and what did I see...two spider webs side by side. They looked like two sunny DVDs suspended in the air. (The second is next to the lower right leaves of the bush.)

I had seen them a few days before trying to spin a web closer to the house, but I think it proved untenable. So they chose the more isolated quiet of the acuba nearby to make their home. Husband and wife? Brother and sister? I do not know. But I was glad that the backyard could give them a haven.


1 comment:

  1. I bet her name is Charlotte. :) Glad to see you back. Were you in my neck of the woods while working? If so, please don't tell me. :P I really do hope we can pull together someday.
